6 Effective Tips for Job Seekers to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Audrey Hepburn once said, “Opportunities don’t often come along. So, when they do, you have to grab them.” As a job seeker, however, you don’t just need to grab on to the opportunities that come along but take efforts to create them. So, how would you ditch the overcrowded job market, stand out to the prospective employers, and land your dream job?

In order to narrow the job search and help professionals land the perfect job, we’ve compiled a list of job tips to fine-tune your job search strategy and sail through the process.

Career Advice for Aspirants Looking for a Job

  1. Build New Skills


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To keep pace with the rapidly-evolving job market, aspirants need to develop new skills tailored to emerging technologies. With innovation heralding change in the dynamics of the workforce, certain jobs and skills are getting redundant while others are still evolving. To align the skill set to the industry demands, you can opt for learning and development programmes that enhance your skills.

For example, careers in IT require a progressive vision, quick adaptability and a dynamic approach to adapt to disruptive technological innovations such as machine learning, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. This means that job seekers need to equip themselves with the skills to enhance their resume and tell employers that they’re the right fit for the job. Online learning platforms provide flexible courses that can help in building future skills.

2. Cultivate Your Online Presence


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We live in an online space, and so do the recruiters. Nowadays, during the shortlisting phase, recruiters check the online profiles for background checks. Be mindful of what you’re posting, be it textual or visual. Before you send out your resume, review your online profiles, remove questionable content, check the privacy settings, and fine tune your profiles, particularly your LinkedIn profile.

3. Utilize Online Resources

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When it comes to a job listing, companies use different resources to advertise their job opening. Use online resources including job boards and social media sites to search for positions and to make connections. If you have a specific career in mind, go straight to the career page of the company. Tailor your profile with the right keywords to push your profile in the online abyss of millions of job seekers.

4. Update Your Resume

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Keep your resume simple and crisp. Recruiters do not have the time to scan through paragraphs. Instead, include the key points in the resume such as achievements and skills. Start with a short introduction that highlights your interests, strengths, and accomplishments. It’s important to tweak your resume to match the requirements of the position that you’re applying to.

5. Start Building a Professional Network

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Not all jobs are advertised and posted on social media sites. Building a strong professional network goes a long way in getting the foothold in the job door. If there’s a position that you are interested in, instead of applying right away, check if you have a connection that can refer you internally for the position. This ensures that your resume reaches the recruiter directly instead of being stuck in the pipeline with hundreds of other resumes.

6. Prepare for the Interview

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Whether it’s the interview attire or your answers to the questions, it’s important that you come across as polished and articulate during the interview process. Thorough interview preparation, therefore, is essential. This does not mean that you go in with rehearsed answers. Recruiters want to see a candidate who is genuine and understands the requirements for the position.

As part of the job search preparation, do a thorough industry and company research. During the interview, listen to the interviewer and answer the questions honestly. Post the interview, remember to send the interviewer a thank-you note.

Job hunting is a lengthy, anxiety-riddled process. It’s important not to get discouraged and keep on making that extra effort. Whether it’s learning new skills or tailoring your resume for the job, the extra effort shows your interest and professionalism. Most importantly, it helps you stand out in the crowd.

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